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banchetto musicale

17 September, 6:30 pm
St. Francis of Assisi (Bernardine) Roman Catholic Church, Maironio g. 10, Vilnius

Giesmės tikėjimui katalickam priderančios
Hymns published by Jesuit academy in Vilnius

GŠ Ansamblis (Lithuania), director Gabija Adamonytė

Gabija Adamonytė, Milda Adamonytė, Antanas Pundzius, Augminas Petronis, Laurynas Adamonis, Tautvydas Mažeika

The origins of many 17th- and 18th-century Catholic hymns can be traced back to hymns in mediaeval Latin. Hymns in the Lithuanian language often involved creative adaptations or elaborations of Latin or Polish texts, although they also include some original hymns whose authors remain unknown. The first Lithuanian hymn book, Giesmės tikėjimui katalickam priderančios (‘Hymns appropriate for the Catholic faith’), was published by the printing house of the Jesuit academy in Vilnius in 1646. Its composer is believed to be the Samogitian Catholic priest and scholar Saliamonas Mozerka Slavočinskis (c. 1630–c. 1660).
During the late Baroque period, the tradition of Catholic hymns flourished and evolved, and the hymns from Slavočinskis’ hymnal were continuously recreated and elaborated upon. The folk tradition of Lithuanian religious Kanticzkos, which arose during the 19th and 20th centuries, is also deeply connected with the poetic tradition of these hymns.

Dedicated to Vilnius 700th anniversary

* Here you can download the concert programme.

Free admission, donations desired

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