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banchetto musicale

9 September, 2 pm
Palace of the Grand Dukes, Katedros a. 4, Vilnius

Crossing the Red Sea
Mediaeval music celebrating the return from exile

A concert for children and families

Magister Petrus, director Mauricio Molina (Spain)

Mediaeval Christians were captivated by the Old Testament story of the Hebrews’ enslavement in Egypt, their exodus to the Promised Land, and the crossing of the Red Sea. This is because this story was seen as a symbol of mankind’s exile from Paradise, and its eventual return to grace through baptism and the acknowledgement of Jesus as the Messiah. In particular, the homecoming from exile—represented by the crossing of the Red Sea—was celebrated in joyful songs that were chanted and danced to in churches during major feasts. In this family concert, the musical ensemble Magister Petrus will perform this celebratory music and explain how they sing and play the music of the Middle Ages.
The Spanish ensemble Magister Petrus reconstructs the performance of Romanesque and Early Gothic period music. Directed by musicologist Mauricio Molina, the performers make use of primary musical sources, iconographical and literary evidence, and appropriate live music traditions.

* Here you can download the concert programme.

Tickets: 6 €

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