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banchetto musicale

10 September, 7 pm
Palace of the Grand Dukes, Katedros a. 4, Vilnius

Cantabimus in tierra aliena
Mediaeval songs of spiritual exile

Magister Petrus, director Mauricio Molina (Spain)

The notion of exile strongly permeated mediaeval religious thought. In spiritual terms, it was conceived as the painful outcome of original sin: mankind’s banishment from Paradise. This idea of expulsion was further developed into the concept of excommunication – an ecclesiastical mandate that ejected persons from the community of Christians. Due to its emotional connotations, religious exile is often discussed in one of the most important vehicles for communication in the Middle Ages: the monophonic song in Latin. Songs on this subject are often masterfully composed, displaying a combination of allegorical poetry, exquisite melodies and a deep personal voice. In the programme Cantabimus in tierra aliena the music ensemble Magister Petrus explores the different aspects of spiritual exile, as portrayed in the mediaeval Latin song.

* Here you can download the concert programme.

Tickets: 30, 18 & 10 €

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